By Anna Von Reitz
This is an urgent message for US President Donald J. Trump:
Help is on the way.
What appears to be an insurmountable obstacle will melt away like morning mist.
You have been chosen to enter the vacated Office of President of the United States of America (Unincorporated). We have seen your heart in your actions and we approve of the steps you have taken to get the Ship of State back on course.
The so-called "New Republic" does not have a contract. Mr. Rothschild has been repeatedly rebuffed and informed that we have made new arrangements and have new contracts with new federal service providers in place following the attempt to vacate the federal obligations and commercial service contract known as The Constitution for the united States of America.
The assistance that FRANCE has rendered as part of the transition to new vendors is appreciated, but only approved on a month-by-month service for hire basis.
This counter-offer has been published widely and accepted, so there is no excuse for FRANCE to continue making efforts or claims otherwise. The so-called New Republic may represent the failed Territorial United States during its reorganization, but does not represent us.
Likewise, upon you acceptance of the Office of the President of the United States of America and your return to your birthright political status, you will be fully indemnified and enabled to act in concert with Michael Stephan Young to represent the interests of the Paramount Security Interest Holders and Priority Creditors of the UNITED STATES, INC. and the USA, Inc.
Our claims are in place and our Sovereign Letters Patent are recorded along with all the other documentation and corrections of the Public Record needed to enforce the Will of the People and their organic states.
You are not limited to be the President of a bankrupt Municipal or Territorial Government Services Corporation. You have the Office of the President of the United States of America (unincorporated) ready and waiting for your acceptance. Your indemnification bond will be sent to the treasury early next week, and until then and in the interim you can shelter your office under the indemnification bond of your birth state: AMRI00001 RA393427640US.
The United States of America is among the last standing land jurisdiction governments on Earth. It is the only entity (now that the Holy See has abdicated) competent to sort out this Mess, to forgive odious international debt, to restructure and exchange debts among nations, and to re-settle and re-venue the national governments owed to all the people on Earth.
As President of the unincorporated United States of America, you will be representing the interests and security of the actual states and people, who are the Paramount Security Interest Holders and Priority Creditors of the UNITED STATES, INC. and the USA, Inc. and all their franchises, subsidiaries and agencies.
This is a sacred calling in the universal sense, not to be undertaken lightly.
If you love your country, as we believe that you do, you are now enabled to occupy the land jurisdiction office and to act as a faithful fiduciary and agent of the unincorporated United States of America.
If Paul Ryan does assume office as President of the bankrupt Territorial United States, it should be regarded as a private corporate issue and not as any transfer of power or delegated authority affecting your public office as President of the United States of America upon your acceptance or the duty owed by both of you to the actual states and people.
See this article and over 700 others on Anna's website here:www.annavonreitz.com