More Photos of Antigravity UFO near MacDill Air Force Base
Three more photos of a triangular UFO taken near MacDill Air Force Base were today sent to me for analysis. The photos were taken around 9:50 am, on September 4, about 10 miles from MacDill, which is the home of US Special Operations Command. The photographer, JP (a pseudonym) says that he took the photos over a three second period, and observed the craft for about 9 seconds in total.
During this time period, the craft hovered and slowly moved towards the right. JP then says that the craft disappeared, in a right to left fashion. This indicates that the triangular craft either used cloaking technology that would move from one end to the other end of the craft, or had entered a larger cloaked vehicle.

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Photos of Antigravity UFO Near MacDill AFB support claims of USAF SSP

Yesterday, I received a series of six photos of a triangular shaped UFO taken near MacDill Air Force Base, Tampa, Florida. The photos were captured at approximately 8 am on August 31, by JP (pseudonym), someone I have been communicating with since 2008. These are not photoshopped or created by CGI, but genuine photos of a UFO that informed analysis suggests has design and technology characteristics similar to the TR-3B that is part of a USAF secret space air wing operating out of MacDill.
I spoke with JP after he had claimed to have had contact experiences with a group of Nordic extraterrestrials in Brazil and contacted me about them in early 2008. He said that he had many ideas for advanced technology downloaded into him, and began designing and building some of them.
He had no previous technical background and views himself as a budding musician. Subsequently, he was approached by operatives from one or more military agencies who wanted him to work with them in building these devices.
I gave JP advice on dealing with the sensitive situation he was in — given that the alleged extraterrestrials wanted him to build free energy and other technologies helpful to humanity, but the covert operatives would be unlikely to allow this.