Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Republic Intel via Email by Mr. Ed - January 31, 2017

Intel via email - Republic 1/31/17 (REAL NEWS) Not FAKE NEWS as found on MSM

Posted By: Mr.Ed 
Date: Tuesday, 31-Jan-2017 15:52:35

Intel via email - Republic 1/31/17 (REAL NEWS) Not FAKE NEWS as found on MSM

On 911, 2001, the entire U.S. financial system was going to be replaced with the National Economic and Reformation Act which would kill the corrupt cabal money system. Look up N.E.S.A.R.A. It was the Khazarian Mafia Zionists and their Mossad agents stationed in Fort Lee New Jersey who pulled off this attack to steal gold under the buildings and keep their phony dollar system going.

Trump, who now runs the restored republic, has banned 7 countries from immigrating to America because the cabal has given them Dinar and Zim to exchange for higher prices here.

Trump appointed certain individuals to positions of power to test their loyalty. Those who faltered were exposed and fired.

Special operations troops are in the last phase of arrests which number in the thousands of corrupted officials.

Further arrests by the FBI, and the setting up of trials in March continues for all in the world to see.

It is security that has prevented the roll out of the revaluation and exchanges of currencies as test after test is conducted to deny the old regimes any access to wealth.

Our nation has been a cash cow for these thieves whose illegal IRS sends payments to the Queen and Federal Reserve members and does nothing for the nation.

Everything is changing folks and what you were "mind controlled" to perceive as good was actually rotten to the core. The free stuff was designed to make you compliant and dependent as the secret operation to exterminate minorities would reduce the population to only those individuals who contribute something to the system will be left.

Fema Camps, Rail Cars with handcuffs and guillotines, large coffins, chemtrails, Gwen Towers, GMO's, Non cancer cures, Mercury in fillings and fluoride in drinking water were contributors to their plan.

The information that you have been denied will be forthcoming soon. Some won't believe it and some will end their lives rather that face this transition from the dark to the light.